Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I haven't written in FOREVER! So where to start..... In august Carter turned one I can't believe how much my little boy has grown up! He is now 17 months and talking like crazy he's got such a big personality and cracks me up! In October Derek flew out to Virginia to interview with some accounting firms and got offers from everywhere he interviewed, he chose EY and will be starting this coming October so that means we are moving to Virginia! I'll be honest I'm totally freaked I don't want to leave my family but I'm also excited about Derek having a real job. I'm so proud of him and so lucky to have a husband who does so much for us! well thanksgiving came and went and added about five extra pounds that I now get to lose, It was interesting it was the first year not being at my grandpa's but all in all it was a good day. In December my sister-in-law had her baby a cute little baby girl they named her Taylor and she is the tiniest little thing I could hold all day if I could. We flew to Virginia this year for TWO WEEKS it was fun but by the end I was so ready to go home and now we are home and Derek is starting he's last semester at BYU then we really get to start living our lives and being "adults"
